21 Apr

5 Helpful Things To Do While You’re On The Job Hunt

Job searching? We’ve all been there. It can be frustrating and at times you’re not really sure how to prioritize your time. Here are 5 useful ideas to think about while you’re in the process!

  1. Keep up with the industry. Learn as much as you can while looking for your next job. Attend seminars, take a technology course, or develop a new skill set. It’s critical in this business to stay up-to-date with the newest technology, highly needed skill sets, and fastest growing, most successful companies.
  2. Improve your own personal brand. Touch up your social media, especially your LinkedIn, by connecting with other professionals in your field, following important groups related to your interests, and uploading a CV (curriculum vitae) to display your accomplishments over time. This will catch others attention quickly and could possibly help land you your next gig!
  3. Volunteer. The best kind of work is the kind that is “unpaid” at times. Instead of being paid an hourly wage or salary, you are being “paid in experience”. One way to do this would be to become an intern or volunteer for a company that you want to learn more about. You will be able to add this to your resume and will also have gained new knowledge to bring to the table for your next job.
  4. Network. Try not to spend all of your time job searching online. It’s essential to get out there and actually meet people. This will help hiring managers to remember your face if you’re asked to come in to their office for an interview. Also, be sure to let your friends know that you’re looking for a job. “1 out of 100 people who are NOT referred get hired”.
  5. Take a break. Job searching can be exhausting and it’s important not to forget about taking care of yourself in the process. Exercising, spending time with family and friends, and participating in other various events, such as a 5k, can take your mind off of the stress of the job hunt for awhile. Come back to searching once you actually feel like yourself again.

Always Opting2Care,

Catherine Stapleton