14 May

How To Blow A Job Interview

…from the desk of Christen Black

You’ve probably had loads of advice on how to interview well so you can nail the job of your dreams. Sometimes it’s easier to remember what NOT to do… so here are a few things that will keep you from landing your ideal position.

1) Interact at all with your mobile device

Reading /responding to text messages, even the shortest of them, is quite disrespectful when interviewing with a potential employer. Leave the phone in your bag or coat so you won’t be tempted to even glance at it during the hour or so you are interviewing.

2) Show up unprepared

You should do your homework on a company before speaking with any kind of hiring manager. Check LinkedIn for the person you are interviewing with and research their background so you can create a rapport. Be prepared with specific questions about the job responsibilities and the company itself.

3) Don’t ask questions

If you’ve done your homework, you should very easily be able to come up with one-two questions about the company, the group or your responsibilities. Showing a genuine interest makes you a much more attractive candidate. Make sure you are prepared before the big day.

4) Dress inappropriately

With such a wide spectrum of acceptable attire in the workplace these days, it’s smart to know your potential work environment. Your Optomi recruiter is an excellent source for this type of insight. They will have information directly from the client about dress code etiquette.

Optomi is committed to partnering with you to achieve success. Please let us know how we can help with your interview preparations.