
Applicability and Acceptance of Terms and Conditions of Use

Except as otherwise set forth herein, these General Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms and Conditions”) govern your use of the Optomi, LLC website. By accessing and using the Optomi, LLC website, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, then you should exit the website. If you violate these Terms and Conditions, then Optomi, LLC may temporarily suspend or permanently terminate our services to you, and remove any material which Optomi, LLC believes (in its sole discretion) is inaccurate or offensive or violates these Terms and Conditions. We may restrict your access to the Optomi, LLC website or services or take any other action we deem appropriate.

These Terms and Conditions do not govern services available from Optomi, LLC (even those services that may be ordered or provided by Optomi, LLC through this website) to the extent that any specific terms and conditions apply to such services. Those services are instead governed by the specific agreements, policies, instructions, statements, and regulations relating to such services.

Website Content

  1. Copyright. All information, data, graphics, logos, trademarks (as further described below), messages, photographs, the HTML code that Optomi, LLC outsources to generate the website, or other materials (collectively, “Content”) included in this web site is the property of Optomi, LLC or content providers of Optomi, LLC and is protected by copyright law. You may not produce, publish, transmit, distribute, display, modify, create derivative works from, or exploit in any way, in whole or in part, any of the Content of this site or any related software without prior written consent of Optomi, LLC, its content providers or as authorized under these Terms and Conditions. However, you may print or download a copy of the content for your personal use as long as you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices.
  2. Trademarks.The name “Optomi, LLC” and “Optomi” as well as the graphics and logos displayed on this web site are the property of or have been licensed by Optomi, LLC and may not be used without prior written permission of Optomi, LLC. Optomi, LLC does not permit the use of its name, graphics, or logos in advertising, as an endorsement for any product or service, or for any other commercial purpose without Optomi, LLC’s prior written approval.
  3. Disclaimer: This website includes content and information that is subject to change without notice. While Optomi, LLC desires that the content and information on this website be up-to-date and accurate, it is your sole responsibility to confirm the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of such content and information. Optomi, LLC does not warrant or make any representation regarding the use of the content or information on this website or the accuracy or reliability of such content or information.

Information Privacy and Security

To the extent expressly provided in this Agreement, Optomi, LLC takes steps to preserve the privacy of personal information you submit over our website. Please review the Optomi, LLC Web Site Privacy Policy for more information about how Optomi, LLC handles personal information. The Internet cannot be guaranteed and therefore Optomi, LLC cannot assure your privacy. Optomi, LLC is not responsible for any unauthorized access to communications that you submit over the Internet.

Registration and Passwords

To help provide a measure of security for the privacy of personal information, we designed a password-protected system for use of our services. Except as specifically and expressly permitted by our current privacy policy or other instructions regarding the use of our website or services you may not and will ensure that you do not, lend, give, or otherwise disclose any passwords to any unauthorized person, or permit any unauthorized person to use your accounts, related passwords, or user identifications. Any loss of control of passwords or user identifications may result in the loss of control of your account or personal information. You will be responsible for any actions taken either on your behalf or by any person using your passwords or user identifications. If passwords or user identifications have been compromised for any reason, then you should immediately notify us so that we may issue new passwords or user identifications at hello@optomi.com.


Any comments or materials sent to Optomi, LLC regarding any content or information found on the website, including, without limitation, feedback, data, questions, comments, or suggestions (collectively “Feedback”), will not be treated as confidential and will become the property of Optomi, LLC. Optomi, LLC has no obligation of any kind with respect to such Feedback and will be free to reproduce, use, disclose, exhibit, display, transform, create derivative works, and distribute the Feedback. By submission of any Feedback to Optomi, LLC, you assign to Optomi, LLC rights, and Optomi, LLC shall exclusively own, all now-known or hereafter existing rights to such Feedback of every kind and nature throughout the universe and shall be entitled to unrestricted use of the Feedback for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or otherwise, without compensation to the provider of the Feedback.


Optomi, LLC may, from time to time, provide links to other outside websites. Optomi, LLC has not reviewed and is not responsible for such linked websites. Optomi, LLC provides these links as an additional resource for its website users and makes no representations regarding the content of any linked website or any companies that own, control, or manage the linked websites. Consequently, Optomi, LLC cannot be held responsible for the accuracy, relevancy, copyright compliance, legality, or decency of material contained in, programs used by, or services or products offered by websites linked to this website.

Acceptable Website Uses

You may access the website to browse and to use Optomi, LLC services for only lawful purposes including, but not limited to, gathering information about Optomi, LLC and our services and seeking employment and career information. You may not use or allow others to use the website or Optomi, LLC services for any unlawful purposes or engage in any activity that harms Optomi, LLC or impairs any other user’s use or enjoyment of the website or services subject to the sole discretion of Optomi, LLC that may include the following:

  1. Posting or submitting deceptive, misleading, incomplete, false, or inaccurate information with respect to your or another person or entity’s profile, resume, or other employment information;
  2. Transmitting or distributing obscene, indecent, profane, pornographic, threatening, harassing, libel, defamatory, or otherwise unlawful or objectionable information of any kind;
  3. Revising any material or information posted or submitted by another or sharing your passwords, user identifications, or allotting others access to non-public areas of the website or any other unauthorized purpose; or
  4. Violating or attempting to violate Optomi, LLC’s website security, including, but not limited to, accessing data not intended for you, sending unsolicited emails, or attempting to interfere with the website.

Optomi, LLC reserves the right to expel users and prevent their further access to the website for violating these terms or the law and reserves the right to remove any communication from the website at any time in its sole discretion. The violation of any of the terms and conditions set forth in these Terms and Conditions shall result in the immediate revocation of your license to use the website and the Content and obligates you to immediately destroy any copies of the Content in your possession.

Warranty Disclaimer

This website, including, without limitation, all information, content, and services made available on this website, is provided “as is.” Optomi, LLC and its employees and agents make no representations or warranties of any kind or nature whatsoever regarding the content or services of this website, or hypertext links to other outside websites. Optomi, LLC and its employees and agents disclaim any express or implied warranties of any kind or nature whatsoever, including, without limitation, warranties related to any course of dealing, usage, or trade practice, and implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose. Moreover, optomi, LLC does not represent or warrant that your access will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that this website and material accessible from this website are free of viruses or other harmful components.

Limitation of Liability

Optomi, LLC will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages that result from the use or performance of, or the inability to use, the optomi, llc website or information or functions on such site, even if Optomi, LLC has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will Optomi, LLC’s total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, exceed the amount paid by you, if any, for accessing this website.


You hereby agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Optomi, LLC and its directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against all claims and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of your use of this website.


These Terms and Conditions and all information on this website are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia and the United States of America. The venue for any matter relating to or arising from this site will be in the state or federal court of competent jurisdiction in the State of Georgia. To the extent any portion of these Terms and Conditions is determined to be unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion will be modified solely to the extent necessary to cause such portion to be enforceable, and these Terms and Conditions, as modified, will remain in full force and effect.

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