27 Apr

ACE The Interview Series

We have now added our FINAL tip in our 10-part consultant-focused series on HOW TO ACE AN INTERVIEW. Stay tuned for more tips.


DO YOUR RESEARCH – both on the technical and conversational side. You need to update your knowledge about the tech world… it’s always changing. Make sure you also know enough about the actual job description, the company, and the hiring manager. Connect with them on LinkedIn and find some common ground from their background that you can use in interview conversation.


PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT – Find commonly asked interview questions and come up with your best responses. Pro tip: Video yourself so that you can see how you are perceived when answering these questions. This will really help you to know what you need to change about your interview style. At Optomi, we use a customized video interviewing tool called Opt2vue. Ask us about how it can help you land that dream job.

DRESS FOR SUCCESS – You want to make a great impression and let the employer know that you’re serious about wanting the job. One way to show that you are truly PASSIONATE about the role that you are interviewing for is to dress professionally. Be mindful of this while choosing your interview attire.


STAY CONNECTED – Be kind to each person you meet. From the time you get out of your car to the time you walk out of the door, you will have encountered several new faces. Make your best first impression on each of them. Pro tip: Have an insightful question or comment handy for each person that you meet during the interview process.


BE GENUINE – Remember to be real. Show the hiring manager that you are excited about this opportunity by staying upbeat, confident in your skills, and concise in your interview.


USE PROFESSIONAL OR TECHNICAL LANGUAGE – depending on the question. Don’t try to incorporate the slang words that you and your friends may use via text or email. Also, be sure NOT to use your mobile device during your interview. Always power it off, silence it or leave it in your car.

LISTEN – They want to hear you out, but try not to over do it. You should listen to each detail of the question before answering. Pro tip: Be unique – Try to push yourself to have a new spin on the subject at hand.

BE TRUTHFUL – If you are dishonest in your interview, the company will figure it out. Always stay true to yourself as well as the manager interviewing you.


ALWAYS ASK QUESTIONS – Going into the interview, you will need to have a few insightful questions prepared for the hiring manager. Here are some great samples:

* What are the key technical skills required?

* What other skills and abilities are you looking for in the professional you hire?

* In this role, what would I be expected to accomplish in the first 30, 60, 90 days or even out to 6 months?

* What is going to be the biggest challenge in this role?

* What do you like about working there?


WRITE THANK YOU NOTES – You have the option of either emailing each person that you interviewed with or mailing them a handwritten note. This will show the employer that you are really serious about this new job opportunity and they will appreciate the thoughtful gesture overall.

Always Opting2Care,
Catherine Stapleton