05 Nov

Opt2give Day 2020

The Optomi Dallas office partnered with Vogel Alcove to help clean out and set up their garden for future planting. We spent the day pulling weeds, digging dirt and moving garden beds. Vogel Alcove provides daycare and afterschool care for homeless children. The garden is super important for Vogel because it provides gardening activities for the children and a lot of food for them to take home. Vogel prepares weekend food bags for the children so they do not go without, they use tons of fresh vegetables and fruits from the garden in these bags.

Their mission:

Approximately 3,000 children in Dallas go to sleep each night without a home of their own. We’re on a mission to help young children overcome the lasting and traumatic effects of homelessness. It is our vision that every child in our community has a home, a self-sufficient family and a foundation for success in school and life — and the clock is ticking. 90% of brain development happens by the age of five. Without intervention at this critical time, homeless children may suffer lifelong social, emotional and educational deficits. That’s where we come in. And YOU can help.

For more information, please visit: www.vogelalcove.com for more information!
